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Tea Time - Lizzie, D’SCRIBE BEAUTY

Introduce yourself and what it is you do.

Hello, I'm Lizzie, the heart and mind behind D'SCRIBE. I'm a pharmacist and natural skincare formulator, dedicated to creating effective, gentle, and scientifically-backed skincare solutions. My journey from a childhood immersed in medicinal remedies to founding D'SCRIBE has been fueled by a passion for harnessing the power of nature and science to address complex skin needs. My goal? To help you love the skin you're in, no matter your age.

Tell us a little about your business.

D'SCRIBE is my labor of love, born from the desire to create skincare products as multifaceted as the skin challenges we face. Our brand seamlessly merges the rich botanical heritage of New Zealand with cutting-edge bio-actives to craft products that correct, prevent, and maintain healthy, radiant skin. We prioritize minimalism and multifunctionality, ensuring each product addresses multiple concerns effectively while being kind to the planet.
I recognized a clear need for skincare that could tackle multiple concerns simultaneously, catering to those of us whose skin didn't fit neatly into the categories offered by the existing market. My goal was to create a product line that is not only effective but also gentle, harnessing the power of nature enhanced by scientific precision.
At D'SCRIBE, we do things differently. We focus on the overall health of the skin by integrating products that balance, nourish, and restore. This approach simplifies the complexity of traditional skincare, offering solutions that are both multifunctional and multi-beneficial. Our products are designed to tackle aging, sensitivity, dehydration, and breakouts in one streamlined regimen.

What inspired you to start D’SCRIBE BEAUTY?

The inspiration for D'SCRIBE Beauty arose from my personal skin struggles. In my late 30s, my skin became dry, sensitive, and I began to experience hormonal acne alongside the early signs of fine lines and wrinkles. Frustrated by the lack of comprehensive solutions on the market, I decided to create my own. With a background in pharmacy and a passion for natural ingredients, I embarked on a mission to develop skincare that addresses multiple concerns with simplicity and efficacy. My goal was to create products that not only treat problems but also prevent them and maintain the skin's health. To achieve this, I furthered my studies in cosmetic formulations and conducted extensive research on effective ingredients.

How do you keep motivated and stay inspired?

Staying inspired is easy when I hear stories from our amazing customers about how D'Scribe has transformed their skin and boosted their confidence. Plus, I'm constantly learning and exploring new advancements in skincare science, which keeps my creative juices flowing and my motivation high. Seeing the positive impact our products have on people's lives is incredibly fulfilling and drives me to keep innovating.

Do you have any tips to keep a work/life balance and your mental wellbeing in check?

Balance is crucial. I make sure to carve out time for myself, whether it's a peaceful walk in nature, spending time with my family or simply unwinding with a good book. Setting boundaries and being present in the moment helps me maintain my mental wellbeing and keeps me energized for the journey ahead. It's also important to prioritise self-care, just like I encourage our customers to do with their skincare routines.

What's the best piece of advice you've been given?

One piece of advice that has stuck with me is to always stay true to your vision and values. It's easy to get sidetracked, but authenticity and integrity are what build lasting connections and trust with your audience. This principle has guided me through the ups and downs of building D'Scribe Beauty and remains at the core of everything I do.

Do you have a beauty tip you can share with our customers?

Absolutely! One of my top beauty tips is to start with a hydrating cleanser that's gentle on your skin. This sets the foundation for a healthy complexion by ensuring your skin is clean, balanced, and ready to absorb all the goodness from your skincare routine. Proper cleansing is key to maintaining the skin's microflora and overall health.

What are your must-have products in your daily beauty regime?

My daily routine is all about simplicity and effectiveness. I start with our KLEEN Oil-Gel to Milk Cleanser to thoroughly cleanse and hydrate. Then, I apply the AQUUS Hydrating & Firming Serum to boost hydration and firm my skin. Lastly, I finish with the No.29 Phyto-Retinol Rejuvenating Oil Elixir to nourish and rejuvenate. These products work synergistically to keep my skin balanced, glowing, and healthy, no matter what the day throws at me.