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Behind our name, Pink Valour.

1 year ago today, the name, Pink Valour randomly popped into my head.


I had a really heavy week at work, with some of my lovely clients sharing bad news about what themselves or family members were going through. A couple of us cried together and I tried my best to listen and say something that might comfort them in some little way.  The thing that most amazed me was the fact that amongst their sadness and heartbreak, they still managed to pull themselves together and say, “It’s ok though, I’ll be ok. I need to be strong for….” I realised at the end of that week just how incredible us women are.

We can be in the centre of the storm and be going through the toughest time but we have the ability to seperate ourselves from our sadness and our pain so we can be strong, and create a sense of calm for everyone else.


I felt a stirring within my soul to create a space that would be just for women; that could somehow incorporate my business. I’d been thinking of names all week but nothing sounded right. One afternoon when I was doing the vacuuming, Pink Valour popped into my head. I loved the sound of it straight away but I didn’t fully understand what “valour” meant. I sat down to google “Pink Valour” first and that’s when I saw images of a “Pink Velour - Crape Myrtle tree.” I looked up and saw the beautiful cherry tree in my backyard. I’m a woman with a Christian faith and I’m very open to the spiritual realm. I believe that we’re given signs all the time, we just need to pay attention to them. I believe this was confirming my business idea and the name. I quickly googled the definition of Valour and it read, “strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness: personal bravery.” This was the name! This definition sums up the women I’d just been talking to, it represented all of us!


I’m so proud to see this business come to life. I’m excited to watch it grow and I can’t wait to meet more amazing women and hear their beautiful life stories. So far I’ve allowed space for this to move organically into whatever direction it’s meant to go. Now, I feel that initial fire I felt this time last year and I know exactly where Pink Valour is headed. Thank you for following along so far. 💗